For as long as we remember, the name Meyer is associated with the distillation of the fruits of the Valley of Villé.
In the small village of Hohwarth, in Alsace, the company has always been committed to producing high-quality brandies.

Distillers from Father to son
In 1958, it was the first marketing of products in the Val de Villé by Fridolin Meyer.
But very quickly the quality of fruit brandies goes beyond these borders and the products are quickly found on large tables French and German. For a long time Germany was one of the first customers of the distillery, while it is one of the most competitive markets in terms of distilleries, that is to say the quality of the products.
Second generation
It was in 1976 that the second generation, in the person of Jean-Claude Meyer, came to lend a hand to a growing demand.
And it is together that the father and the son will work the most qualitative fruit brandies possible until today becoming the most awarded distillery in France at the Concours Général Agricole de Paris, with to date more than 206 medals, of which the vast majority are gold.
The 2000s
The boldness
It was in the 2000s that Jean-Claude Meyer embarked on a great adventure… The desire to create a product with a strong and especially unique regional identity… A product that no one has yet dared…
100% Alsatian
In 2007, the 100% Alsatian whisky was born: a whisky now widely recognized.
This Alsatian Whisky first surprised and made the effect of a bomb in the Alsatian food… The bet of Jean-Claude Meyer is today a successful bet, his Whisky has been noted in the Whisky Bible of Jim Murray with a score of 88.5 out of 100!
Arnaud's arrival
Arnaud, Jean-Claude’s second son, joined the company.
He joins the company to manage business development.
Most award-winning distillery in France
99 gold medals - 68 silver medals - 39 bronze medals - Awards of Excellence 2001 & 2004

The Distillery F. Meyer proudly continues its development through the common will of the 2 sons of Jean-Claude MEYER, Lionel and Arnaud to make discover to the greatest number all the diversity of fruits brandy, liqueurs, Whiskies and apéritifs that they distill.
Get to the heart of the Meyer's Distillery, from production to distribution, from the museum to the shops. Go behind the scenes at Meyer's!